At eBenchmark Plus, our primary business is Utility Tracking & Benchmarking buildings in the greater Los Angeles Area. We utilize the EPA’s ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® software and perform a preliminary on-site audit.
The City of Los Angeles recently passed an ordinance, known as the Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency program or EBEWE. The first group of buildings were required to comply by December 1st, 2017 (extended from July 1st, 2017). In addition, the State of California passed AB 802 with similar requirements.
Your building(s) may be eligible for ENERGY STAR® certification. Buildings that score 75 and better will be exempt from Audit & Retro-Commissioning (A/RCx) requirements. A/RCx compliance starts in 2021. A facility that documents 15% energy reduction and 20% water reduction can choose not to Exempt out of the A/RCx requirements.
eBenchmark Plus also conducts on-site and ASHRAE Level I & Level II audits which allows us to assist building owners and managers to find those “no-cost” or “low-cost” energy savings opportunities.
eBenchmark Plus works with a California Licensed Professional Engineer (PE) to direct, oversee and sign ENERGY STAR® Certification Applications and Audits & Retro-commissioning Reports (or exemptions thereof).
eBenchmark Plus provides consulting and project management services for energy conservation opportunities in:
Additionally offering assistance with rebates and financing.
eBenchmark Plus has partnered with other local professional companies to assist with the following services:
Contact us for a free consultation!
See Stonefish Energy Management for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Generation Project Management.